Support T.R.E.E.S and Photographers!
Thank you for coming to support T.R.E.E.S., conservation, and photographers around the world! Here's how it works :
Photographers can upload their works of art for a 3$* fee per entry, with unlimited entries. Then, with a 5$* donation, participants can vote for their favourite piece! The pieces with the most votes will go to an online auction, where participants can bid on the art they want to bring home - the winner will receive a framed print of the photograph, mailed right to their door!
70% of all sales will go to T.R.E.E.S. to continue our work in ecology, studies, education, and conservation efforts - 20% will go to the winning photographer - and 10% will be used towards packaging and posting.
The last day to submit your entries is February 14th - voting will continue for several extra days (specific end date TBD). Auction Date TBD.
Upload your photos of wildlife, whether from your phone or your fanciest cameras. Include a title for your piece, where it was taken, and an ID on the species in your photo. Photos from all over the world accepted - we want to see YOUR local wildlife!
Thank you for your support in our mission to preserve and protect Belize's wildlife!
* prices listed in USD